ICMR MycoNet clinical registry will capture the systematic clinical correlation data of invasive fungal infections (IFIs) among ICU patients through a well-established and monitored network(ICMR MycoNet)centers
Collection of clinical data on neglected tropical diseases i.e., Mycetoma and Chromoblastomycosis
To develop a Comprehensive national-level mycology clinical registry to overcome the lack of knowledge on the epidemiology of invasive fungal infections, evidence-based decision-making in clinical practice and public health policy, and eventually improve patient management
1.To develop a multicentre digital mycology clinical registry and describe the epidemiology and risk factors of invasive fungal infections(IFIs) among ICU patients
2.To investigate the clinical features, diagnostics, treatment, and patient outcomes among ICU patients with Invasive fungal infections (IFIs)
3.To describe the overall trends of fungal diseases, emerging fungal infections, and their clinical pattern
4.To study the contribution of fungal infections in the morbidity and mortality caused by different diseases by analyzing the MycoNet registry
5.To investigate the clinical features, diagnostics, treatment, and outcomes among patients with chronic subcutaneous infectious i.e. Mycetoma and chromoblastomycosis
6.To investigate the emerging antifungal resistance